Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Back to reality....for now anyway.

Well folks, by now you are all aware that we are stationary in Hollywood, Florida.  We are having fun settling in here (with our new great view), and already preparing to plan many upcoming adventures.  We'll be sure to keep you all posted along the way for any looming outrageous trips...be it touring the southern national parks of Florida, road tripping with some felines across a few states, or even sailing around the world.  Hollywood to Hollywood may have come to an end, but I guarantee that it is just the beginning of some more shenanigans we have in the works.

We are still working on getting decent internet here.  The remaining pics will be up soon though.

Thanks so much for joining us on this amazing adventure!  Be sure to subscribe by email and we'll let you know where and when we move this party.  xxx


  1. View looks awesome :-) Happy home settling guys XX P n J Bristol UK
